World Trademark Review 1000 har netop udgivet rankings for 2019. Horten har igen i år opnået topplacering.
World Trademark Review 1000 begrunder Hortens flotte placering således:
"Delivering a comprehensive suite of services, “Horten is one of the best law firms in the country. Its team has a fantastic sense for manoeuvring through difficult situations and always puts the client first.” Commander in chief of the trademark group and “personable professional” Jens Jakob Bugge “really impresses and has been in the game for years, he focuses on preparing his cases meticulously and is a talented litigator.” Bugge recently represented the Ørsted family in a frontpage dispute against the offshore windmill development company Ørsted, formerly DONG Energy. These multi-faceted proceedings required his intricate knowledge of both domestic and EU trademark law and adjacent disciplines, such as company law as well as domain name and marketing practice laws. “Good natured” prosecution ace Christian Kragelund is “always on the ball and has profound branding expertise, he ensures he understands his clients’ industries and needs to offer personalised advice in a forthright manner.”
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